Emotional | Spiritual | Community/ Environmental | School/ Career | Physical/ Nutrition |
What is the national suicide number?
Name a way to promote spiritual wellness
-Devotional -Meditation |
What is a community?
A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
Define M.I.T.
Most important task
Finish the quote "I am what__________"
I eat
When being a great battle buddy (and preventing suicide) I should watch out for__________________
a rapid change in behavior
People crave ________________
human interaction/sense of belonging
What is the number one way to change the environment you are in?
Leave, create/ find a new one
__________________ is the number one excuse
Not having enough time
Define BMR
basal metabolic rate
Name one way to improve your mood
- Exercise
-Sleep - Hobby/ Activity |
Type of test that helps identify my spiritual personality type
By providing ___________ of my own time, helps my community.
It takes ______ days to change a habit
66 days
Name one test we measured in class on physical activity
- strength
- ROM- postural -Flexibility |
People use __________ to deal with mental health and emotional issues as a way to make it through life.
coping mechanisms
The best way to manage my day to make sure I have time for spiritual wellness is to______
Have a planner/ schedule and make time for it.
Jesus tell us to _________,__________,_________ one another.
love, aid, and help
Name one location/person to go to help with school/class work on campus
Professor, student services, counselor, peers in class, TA/GA, advisor
______________ is harder than exercise
What is stress?
The body’s reaction with a physical, mental and/or emotional response
The best way to start my day is with a __________
Affirmation (short positive statement)
If my room is messy and I have trouble falling asleep, I can _________ to help change my environment.
_______ is the number of hours a night for a 3-credit class suggested to study.
three (3)
A way to plan my meals is to_______________
meal prep