Abraham Lincoln - the pride of Illinois | Presidential museum and library | The Lincoln Legacy and canada goose |
Yes Abe would be mad because if you were there i bet you would be mad.
Inferring question-
Was Abe okay when his dad married another women? |
Yes, there are many more.
Are there any more exhibits than just these 4?
john Wilkes is jealous
Why did John Wilkes booth shoot Abe lincoln
3 states
How many states did Abe see
Yes there are many many things
in the treasure gallery are there any more objects
shield knew he couldn't fight a women so he challenged Abe to a duel
Why did Abe help his wife battle Shield
His life was hard because there were no roads and his life was lonely because Abe did not have a mother.
Why was Abe's life lonely and hard
In Mrs.Lincoln's attic were there actual clothes that the Lincolns actually wore
What is a male goose called
Because the wanted peace.
Why did Abe's family move to Illinois?
Because of the state capital
Why was Abe's coffin Lying in the museum
10 to 24 years
When does an average goose die
Sarah Lincoln Grigsby.
Who is Abraham Lincoln older sister?
John F. Kennedy
Who made the Presidential museum and library?
What is a female goose called