Keys to Holistic Health & BMI Exercise and Your Body Principles of Progressive Training Goals Intensity Measurements
What is 8 hours
Teenagers (13-18) require at least this many hours of sleep per night.
What is calling 911
Upon suffering a serious, life-threatening injury, you should do this
What is 30 minutes
Adults (19+) should exercise at least this long per day.
What is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
The acronym SMART refers to what.
What is Target Heart Rate Zone
What does THRZ stand for?
What is Protein, Dairy, Fruit, Vegetable, and Grain
MyPlate includes these five categories of food
What are Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs
When planning to exercise, including these two things will greatly reduce the risks of injury
What is split-training
Splitting up “Arm Day” and “Leg Day” is an example of this.
What is intrinsic motivation
The motivation that comes from within yourself and is powerful is called.
What is a scale of 1 to 10
How do you measure perceived exertion?
What are Cardio and Strength
Intensive physical exercise often falls into one of these two categories.
What is exercise
The Cardiovascular, Digestive, Muscular, Skeletal, Respiratory, and Nervous systems become more efficient as a result of this
What is Progressive Overload
To increase your workout duration, frequency, and/or intensity is referred to as this.
What is extrinsic motivation
The motivation that comes from outside sources.
What is 5 to 8
What perceived exertion zone should you be in when working out
What is Stress
This long-term aspect of one’s health can be managed and reduced by rest, self-awareness, and good physical health.
What is P-R-I-C-E
This acronym assists in remembering methods to reduce the pain, swelling, and inflammation of injuries (Hint: the acronym spells out a real word).
What is reversibility
A sudden stop in physical training causes your body to slowly return to a state without the benefits of exercising and is called this
What is at least 5 days a week
According to the FITT principle, how frequently should you train
What is above 80%
What THRZ percentage is dangerous if sustained over a long period of time
What is 7 hours or What is 1 hour per day
Minors (6-17 years old) require at least this much exercise per week.
What is Endomorph, Mesomorph, and Ectomorph or “What are Thick, Broad, and Narrow” or “What are V, O, and I”
These three body types may dictate what types of physical activity your body is naturally inclined to.
What is S-A-I-D
Specificity refers to the body requiring a specific type of training to improve in specific areas. This 4-letter acronym refers to the body’s adaptation to improve upon any given area (Hint: the acronym spells out a real word)
What is 30-70%
What percentage of people drop out of the fitness program within 6 months.
What is 50-80%
According to the THRZ, what is the desired percentage when working out

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