Will Mand for Caffeine What Would Skinner Do Working for the Weekend Money is My Preferred Reinforcer Better Shape Up
What is Intraverbal
"Ready, set, go" is an example of what kind of verbal operant (tact, intraverbal, mand, or echoic?)
What is Negative Reinforcement
Jenny hates to get her hair wet. Every time she sees rain in the forecast, she always brings an umbrella to work with her because it keeps her hair from getting wet. This is an example of (positive/negative reinforcement, positive/negative punishment)
What is Discrete Trial Teaching/Training
What does DTT stand for?
What is Paired Choice
An RBT wants to know what snack their learner prefers. They hold up chips and cookies, the learner chooses cookies. They then hold up cookies and fruit snacks. They again choose cookies. What type of preference assessment is this?
What is the stuffed animal
An RBT provides tokens for every 1 minute their learner stays seated during circle time. At the end of circle time, the learner trades in the tokens for a stuffed animal. What is the backup reinforcer in this scenario?
What is Mand
A verbal operant where the speaker requests for what they need or want is a
What is a conditioned reinforcer

An extra 200 points if you can name the other name for a conditioned reinforcer.
Luke is an RBT whose learner loves stickers. Stickers would be what kind of reinforcer?
What is Model prompt
Luis gives the instruction "touch nose" and then prompts by touching his own nose. What kind of prompt did he use?
What is Variable Ratio
An RBT is providing a reinforcer when their learner follows instructions, giving the reinforcer after an average number of responses. What type of reinforcement schedule does this best describe?
What is Task Analysis
A systematic process of breaking a complex task down into smaller, more manageable steps/tasks is called?
What is Listener Response
An RBT gives their learner the instruction to "Go to the fridge and grab your lunch box." What operant does this fall under?
What is positive reinforcement
Your learner receives a token each time they turn towards the technician when their name is called. You notice that they are starting to respond to their name more often. You have been implementing...
What is Discrimination Training
What term describes when reinforcement is available for a response in the presence of one stimulus and not the other? (Stimulus control transfer, chaining, discrimination training, or shaping)
What is FR3 (Fixed Ratio 3)
What reinforcement schedule describes providing a reinforcer after every three correct responses of a behavior
What is least to most prompting
An RBT is using forward chaining to teach a learner to tie their shoes. Should they use least to most or most to least prompting to have the learn complete the target step?
What is Tact
A little boy playing with toys in his room holds up a stuffed animal, looks at it and says, "A zebra!" What verbal operant does this describe?
What is Positive punishment
If you go to a restaurant, get food poisoning from that restaurant and never return again, is this an example of positive/negative reinforcement or positive/negative punishment?
What is Errorless Teaching/Errorless Prompt

**Daily Double**
Bill's RBT presents the instruction "Touch apple" and then immediately provides a prompt. They do this to prevent errors. What procedure is this?
What is Interval Schedule
Providing a reinforcer after a learner engages in a behavior for a certain amount of time describes a ratio schedule or an interval schedule?
What is approximation
An RBT is providing reinforcement for small, achievable steps towards clapping their hands, otherwise known as shaping. What is the term for "small, achievable steps" in shaping?
What is an Intraverbal
"What do you do with a crayon?" is an example of what verbal operant
What is Noncontingent Reinforcement
Providing reinforcement independent of the occurrence of a behavior is called what?
What is Stimulus Control Transfer
A child is learning to respond to greetings. Starting out, the therapist models a wave to prompt them to respond to greetings. They then fade their prompt to a gesture until finally the patient responds with a wave independently when someone says "hello." This is an example of (stimulus control transfer, shaping, chaining, discrete trial teaching)
What is Fixed Interval
You receive a bonus for every year you work with ABC. What type of reinforcement schedule does this describe?
What is extinction
During shaping, all non-approximations will be placed on what?

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