Category 1 | Category 2 | Category 3 | Category 4 | Category 5 |
What is yes!
Do we send an SNF for any school-associated case e.g., student, teacher/staff, bus driver, coach even if case was not at school while infectious so VCC
School Specialists can work with school to conduct contact tracing? |
What is Catt. Co.
In which county do we send an SNF if the case is currently hospitalized?
What is 39 and younger
For what age will we send case files to Janine Benkelman in Erie?
What is YES: 6 more weeks of Winter :(
Did the Groundhog see their shadow today?
What is True!
Final Status column must be filled out when a record is complete and no longer needing action.
What is up to 2 days before symptom onset.
How long before symptom onset can a case be infectious?
What is Catt, Chautauqua, Erie, and Niagara
In which county, or counties do we use the symptom onset date as Day 0 of their Isolation Period
What is 18 and under
Which is the highest priority age group?
What is NEVER: they must isolate for the full 10 days.
When do 0-2 year olds have a 5 day isolation period?
What is reportedly 136 years old!
Hold old is 'Phil' the groundhog that is celebrated on Groundhog Day?
Who is anyone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period.
Who is defined as a “close contact?”
What is 5-11 year olds
Which age group is not eligible for the booster?
What is check for duplicates.
What should we do with each case file before calling?
What is Chautauqua, Erie, and Niagara
Which counties have the Affirmation of Isolation document located on their LHD website?
What is between 8 and 14 inches in the lake band.
How much snow are parts of WNY expecting tonight?
What is Yes!
Should cases reassigned to JB in Erie be put on the Team Tracker?
What is Allegany & Catt.
Which counties ask us to direct cases to NYSDOH website for Isolation Orders?
What is add a note to the patient record to document role and type of setting.
What do we do if case lives/works/attends
congregate/sensitive settings? |
What is after at least 5 months after the initial series.
When should someone with the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines get a booster shot to be considered fully-vaccinated?
What is a supervisor!
If your internet or power goes out during your shift, who should you notify?
What is: Trouble breathing
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest New confusion Inability to wake or stay awake Pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds, depending on skin tone
What are the Emergency Warning Signs?
What is Erie Co.
In which county do we collect details about daycare in
school hub section? |
What is: daycare, K-12 schools, prison/jails, juvenile detention centers, nursing homes, adult care facilities, group homes (OPWDD), healthcare.
What are examples of sensitive settings?
What is after at least 2 months.
When should someone with the J&J vaccine get a booster to be considered fully-vaccinated?
What is February 4th!
When do the '22 Winter Olympics start?