The Numbers | The People | Stanford University Trivia |
What is the number of yearly web visits Sept 2012-Sept 2013
Who is David Tom
The Monkey
Who founded Stanford?
Leland Stanford
What is the current number of 404s on our site (LEGACY!)
Nearly 1000
What is Lisa Sawin's Motto
Personal Growth Sucks
The numbers of schools at Stanford
What is the number of yearly mobile visits Sept 2012-Sept 2013
Who is Susan Watkins
Spends her weekends with the coeds
What is stanford's motto... means the wind of freedom blows...
Die luft der freiheit weht.
What is the percentage of new visitors?
Who is Adam Moore
Mr. Drew Pal
a Popular Hangout AFTER hours
What is the average load time of an Exec Ed page
Who is Miley Cyrus
Recently created a big hubub on the VMAs