mechanical weathering | weathering and climate+factors that affect weathering | chemical weathering | differential weatheing | the source of soil |
What is mechanical weathering
the process by which break down into smaller pieces by physical mean
What is climate
=average weather condition of a aria over a long period of time.
What is chemical weathering
The process by which rocks break DOWN AS A RESULT OF CHEMICAL WEATHERING
What is differental weathering
it is the process by which softer less weather resistant rocks wear away
What is soil
this a small loose mixtureof small minerals
What is weathering
the natural process by which atmospheric and environmental agents
What is moister
water can interact with water rock as precipitation
What is acid precipitation
rain,sleet or snow that contains a high concentration of acids
What is climate
rocks weathering depends on this
What parent rock
the rock that breaks down into minerals
What is abrasion
the grinding and wearing away of rock surfaces through the mechanical actions of other rocks and sand practicals
What is elivation
rocks can be exposed to different weathering environments at different heights
What is groudwater
in certain places water flows underground
What is mass of molten
what cools and hardens to form an igneous rock
What is bed rock
the layer of rock beneath soil
What is exfoliation
the process by which sheet of rocks peel away from a large body of rock because a large pressure is removed .
What is slope
the steep sides of mountains hills increase water curnts
What is oxidation
the rocks are orange because oxygen in the air reacts with the iron in the rock
What is devils tower
what in Wyoming appears different
What is transported soil
this soil can be carried away from its parent rock
What ice wedging
the alternate freezing and thawing of soil and rock
What is biological factors
organisms in the soil can produce accedes
What is ketchup
this food dilutes acids
What is mass
a measure of the amount of matter in an object
What residual soil
this soil remains above its parent rock