Vocabulary | Vocabulary | Physical or Chemical Weathering? | Soil | Soil Erosion |
Chemical Weathering
the chemical breakdown and decomposition of rocks by natural processes in the environment
Large sheets of flowing ice which shape the earth
A pocket gopher burrows into the ground, placing soil on top
B Horizon
This is the layer below the topsoil. Water carries material down to this layer making it a brownish reddish color.
deforestation, over plowing, not rotating crops, over-grazing
Name one way humans are causing soil erosion
Physical Weathering
the mechanical breakdown of rocks into smaller pieces that is caused by natural processes and that does not change the chemical composition of the rock material
a loose mixture of rock fragments, organic material, water, and air that can support the growth of vegetation
Water seeps into a rock, freezes, expands, and breaks the rock
A Horizon
This contains the topsoil. Decomposers live in this horizon so it has the most decayed organic matter (humus)
crop rotation, planting trees and shrubs, terrace farming, move animals around
Name one solution humans can do to help the problem of soil erosion
The breakdown of rock material by physical or chemical processes.
dark, organic material formed in soil from decaying plant and animals
Chemicals in a rock react with oxygen causing oxidation
C Horizon
This is the least-developed layer. This contains no organic matter and largest rocks.
the root systems hold the soil in place
How do trees and shrubs help prevent soil erosion?
When water or wind moves sediments from one place to another
Soil profile
a vertical section of soil that shows you all of the different layers.
Plants grow into rocks and break rocks when their roots get bigger
A Horizon, B Horizon, C Horizon
Name the 3 soil horizons
alternating between different crops every year so nutrients get back into soil.
What does crop rotation mean?
the process by which material is laid down
Soil horizon
each layer of soil within a soil profile
A factory pollutes the air which combines with the water in the atmosphere, causing acid rain
the oreo dirt cup lab
What lab did we do to learn about the soil layers?
wind, water, gravity, glacier
What other types of erosion is there besides human impact?