The Water Cycle | Humidity | Clouds and Precipitation | Condensation | Fronts |
What is precipitation?
This is rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls from clouds to earth's surface.
What is weather?
This is the condition of the atmosphere at a certain time and place.
What is a cloud?
Millions of tiny water droplets or ice crystals.
What is condensation?
This is water droplets formed when the air around the glass cooled to below the dew point.
What is a front?
This is the boundaries between air masses of different densities and different temperatures.
What is the movement of water between the atmosphere, the land, and oceans?
This movement is called the water cycle.
What is the dew point?
This is when the temperature happens at which the balance happens.
What is the low, medium, and high clouds height
low ( 0 - 2000 mtrs. )
medium ( 2000 - 6000 mtrs.) high ( above 6000 mtrs. ) |
Where does condensation come from?
This comes from the surrounding air.
What is air mass?
It is a large body of air that has similar temperature and moisture content.
What is runoff?
This is water that flows over land and into rivers, streams, and eventually the ocean.
What happens when temperatures are below dew point?
Liquid water droplets on a surface or on tiny particles in the air.
What is precipitation?
Water; in any form. The four major forms are rain, sleet, hail, and snow.
How do liquid water droplets form?
The air must be saturated or have a relative humidity of 100%.
What happens when different air masses meet?
The less dense air mass rises over the denser air mass.
What may happen if the water vapor cools?
It may condense to form water droplets.
What does humidity depend on?
This depends on the rates of evaporation and condensation.
What is hail stone?
A lump of ice that falls from the sky.
When is air nearly saturated?
A small temperature drop is needed for air to reach its dew point.
How does a stationary front form?
This forms when a cold air mass and a warm air mass go toward each other.
What causes water to change states?
This change occurs when the sun's energy heats earth's surface.
What is vapor pressure?
It is that total part of the atmosphere pressure that is caused by vapor pressure
What is the height of a Cirrocumulus cloud?
8000 mtrs
What is the temperature of the dew point?
The temperature at which the rate of condensation equals the rate of condensation.
How does an occluded front form?
This forms when a warm air mass gets caught in between two cold air masses.