Atmosphere | Weather Instruments | Clouds and Precipitation | Weather | Vocabulary |
What is nitrogen
The most abundant gas in the atmosphere
What is a thermometer
This instrument measures temperature
What is snow
Most common form of solid precipitation
What are conduction, convection, and radiation
The three types of heat transfer
What is short term atmospheric conditions
The definition of weather
What is the troposphere
The layer of the atmosphere where weather occurs
What is a wind vane
This shows the direction of wind
What are stratus, cirrus, and cumulus
The three main types of clouds
What are pressure centers
What do H and L indicate on a weather map
What is the dew point
The temperature at which the rate of condensation and rate of equilibrium are at equilibrium
What is the thermosphere
The hottest layer of the atmosphere
What is air pressure
A barometer measures this
What is precipitation producing
The prefix nimbo indicates a could that is this
What is weather is short term; Climate is weather in a region over a period of time
The difference between weather and climate
What is latent heat
Energy absorbed or released by a substance during a change in its physical state (phase) that occurs without changing its temperature.
What is the mesosphere
Meteoroids burn up in this layer
What are Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin
The three units a thermometer uses
What is between 2000-6000 m (7000 is acceptable)
The altitude middle clouds form (in meters)
What is
This happens when air is warmed
What is long term weather conditions characteristic of a region or the entire Earth
the definition of climate
What is the stratosphere
This layer contains a layer of ozone
What are atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity and wind speed
The four things a weather balloon can measure
What is cover a large area and sometimes violents
The characteristics of storms along a warm front
What is equal to
The Earth's incoming energy is (more, less or equal to) the outgoing energy
What is advective cooling
Occurs when the temperature of an air mass decreases as a result of the horizontal movement of the air mass over a cool surface