RSP Vs. TFSA Retirement Planning Qtrade Miscellaneous
What is an RRSP
Contribution limit is based on last years earned income
What is 71
RRSP need to be converted into a RRIF at what age
What is Qtrade Investor
This is the name of the brokerage that we use for our self-directed members
What is classic 20% unlocking options
This option allows you to redeem a non redeemable GIC
What is an TFSA
Investment vehicle that allows you to earn interest tax-Free
What are benefits of a retirement planning
Helps you balance practical everyday needs with your long-term goals, helps you adapt to changes in your circumstances and needs and allows you to plan for unforeseen circumstances are
Who is Alain Samson
Who is the Vice President Sales, Western Canada for Qtrade
What is 1%
Over contribution will result in a _______ penalty
What are sources of retirement income
CPP, OAS, work pensions are examples of
What are common cue's
Electronic BGill payments, AFT to investment companies and members talking about the markets are an example of this
What is the life long learning plan
Withdrawals from this can be made on a tax free basis but must be paid back over a period of 10 years
What are benefit's of a Tax Free Savings account
Interest earned non taxable, flexibility on withdrawals of funds and emergency savings
What is 19 years
On average, Canadians expect their retirement to last for ___ years
What are investment vehicles offerred by Qtrade
Stocks, bonds, mutual funds and ETF are examples of
What is an open-ended question
An example of this is "When is the last time you have reviewed your retirement plan?"
What is benefits of a RRSP
Retirement Savings, growth of net worth, savings for down payment are
What is steps of retirement planning
1. Setting your goals and priorities 2. Creating your plan 3. Turning words into actions 4. Regular review and making adjustments

This is the
What is Socially Responsible Investing
The application of environmental and social criteria, in addition to financial considerations, when making investment decisions

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