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What is Gone With the Wind?
In this 1939 film, the petulant lead female character rocked a dress made of green curtains.
What is Beaches?
The Divine Miss M and “Did you ever know that you’re my hero…you are the wind beneath my wings…”
Who is Howdy Doody?
Buffalo Bob’s puppet pal
What are shoes?
Walking in the front door from a busy day of work, Granddaddy frequently pronounced he was going to break his neck falling over these items belonging to Katie that were strewn about in the foyer.
What is an appendix?
GD was born with one of these but doesn’t have one anymore. Katie followed suit.
What is baseball field in “Field of Dreams”?
“If you build it, he will come” refers to this location and movie.
What is NYC (the Big Apple)?
The common euphemism for this place, stated more obscurely - the Colossal Forbidden Fruit
What is Jackie?
Granddaddy’s nickname growing up.
What is ass?
Upon learning that John had gotten a tattoo, Granddaddy declared he was going to get one as well, with this as the intended location.
What is “Born in the Night, Mary’s Child.”
A Christmas song GD loves that mentions a birth and a time of day.
Who is Cary Grant?
This British-American actor, known for his transatlantic accent and debonair demeanor ran away from a crop duster plane in “North by Northwest” and starred in “The Philadelphia Story,” a movie that also starred Katherine Hepburn and the beloved American actor who played George Bailey in “It’s a Wonderful Life.”
What is Disney World?
This place found Granddaddy’s lost camera and mailed it to him with the family photos of the Cook family at the most magical place on Earth.
Who is Elvis?
This hunk a hunk of burning love liked peanut butter and banana sandwiches like Granddaddy.
What is prance?
On Sunday mornings before church, Granddaddy said Mary Howard needed time to do this before she came downstairs ready to go; one of Santa’s reindeer minus the “er.”
What is cars?
The name of Ric Ocasek’s band from the 80’s and a love of Granddaddy’s.
Who is Rooster Cogburn?
John Wayne played this crusty character in two movies.
What is Italy?
The Cook child who used to hum when she ate and talked to an imaginary friend named Hecuda served as tour guide to Gram and Granddaddy in this amazing place.
What is Guiding Light?
Granddaddy as a little boy and Granny McPherson watched this soap opera together, which originally aired in 1952.
What is the Fixer?
Title of novel by Bernard Malamud, name of a British tv series featuring character John Mercer, and an apt description of GD’s devotion to looking out for his family.
What is cigars?
The late comedian George Burns’ signature accessory and a vice that GD gave up.
Who is Gary Cooper?
This American actor played non-violent characters searching for redemption and heroes in films that championed the common man — “Friendly Persuasion,” “The Cowboy and the Lady” and “For Whom the Bell Tolls,” to name just a few.
What is Monument Valley?
Frequently a filming location for Western movies, this desert region on the Arizona-Utah border is known for towering sandstone buttes.
What is Glee Club?
Granddaddy and Janice Callahan contributed their talents to this high school activity.
What is “with a love that’s true Always.”
From an Irving Berlin song, the phrase that comes after the line, “I’ll be loving you Always…” which also captures GD’s constant affection for his family.
What is poop?
Not certain if it is fact or hyperbole, but GD claims his hippy roommate at Chapel Hill left this on GD’s bed.