Remember the Member | Please and Thank You | Claims R Us | Networking | Help! I need a Dentist! |
What is A-01
Fast Path Option to View Member Information
What are Soft Skills
Having these skills will help you have better conversations, work well with managers or co-workers and enjoy your work environment.
What is A-02
Fast Path option to view claim
What is PPO
This network yields the best saving for the member
What is Dentist Inquiry
Action Tab used to view what the Dentist submitted for a claim
What is Family
This Action Tab is used to review the family detail information (to include addresses and eligibility information)
What is True
True or False
Attitude, team work and positivity are examples of soft skills? |
What is History
Action Tab used to view full member history
What is Fixed Co Pay
The term used for FCP
What is A-23
Fast Path used for Dentist search by TIN
What is F10
This Action is used to fold and unfold member information
What is Customer Service
The ability to communicate well with customers to better understand the customers needs and address them effectively.
What is Claim
Action Tab used that allows you to view claim history
What is Delta Care
This is the national term used for HMO network
What is Status
Where would you look to determine if a provider is active
What is F11
This Action is used to to view member numeric search
What is False
True or False
When a customer calls and is upset with something in regards to their plan its your fault. |
What is Claim Inquiry Screen
Action Tab used to view detailed information regarding the claim
What is Out of Network
The term used for OON
What is A-21
Fast Path used for local Dentist search
What is a Red Asterisk
A way to see if member is a Delta Dental employee or vision policy
What is True
True or False
Understanding right from wrong will help aid in the decision we make? |
What is In For Pay
The term used IFP
What is $250
This is the amount of a procedure we strongly suggest a pre-determination to be done
What is an E Form
If provider not listed in in the local what needs to be sent to Provider Relations