Fresh water resources and Pollution | Groundwater | Large Dams | Alternatives and Our Oceans |
How many people could our fresh water resources support across the world?
20 million people
What are one of the alternatives to large dams?
any of the 7 alternatives on Sheh's sheet
What is the main cause to water pollution?
Human Activity
Why are some in favour of water transfers from Canada to US?
Because Canada has soo much fresh water and more then they need now and in the future, and because Canada is happy to export no renewable oil, gas and other minerals why should they not export water. Properly managed water exports can help parts of the US
What are the two major waste's that have most affect on our bodies of water?
Agriculture and Chemical waste
Who are not in favour of water transfers?
Include environmentalist and Canadian nationalist.
Out of all the fresh water resources produced, (Glaciers, Lakes, Rivers, Oceans, Permafrost, Permanent snow cover) which one contains the most available fresh water?
Glaciers/Permanent snow cover
Why are some not in favour of water transfers from Canada to US?
Canada it is located far north, for human activities. For the water in the great lakes it no renewable fossil water need for glaciers that melted more then 10 000 years ago. They say water in the US is not used properly by them. Then unsigned the NAFTA (
How many people across the world DON'T have access to fresh water?
1.5 billion people
What is Canada motto on preserving our oceans? and what does it mean?
“A Mari Usque Ad Mare” Canada’s motto “from sea to sea” shows the significance of our oceans to our country.