Sources | Technology to treat waste water | Human threats | Env, Impacts | Chemicals |
What is point source?
Distinct Locations where pollution is directly produced.
What is the waste water treatment?
Septic systems and sewage treatment plants.
What is Manure lagoons?
Large human made ponds lined with plastic rubber to prevent the manure from leaking into the groundwater.
What is oil?
A persistent substance that can spread below and across the surface of water.
What is solid waste pollution?
Discarded materials from households and industries that do not pose a hazard towards organisms.
What is Water pollution?
Contamination of streams, lakes, and oceans, or groundwater with substances produced through human activities.
What is Primary treatment?
Solis waste material settling out of the water.
What is lead, arsenic, and mercury?
Three heavy metals that pose a serious threat to human health.
What is drilling undersea oil?
What is naturally?
Sources of oil spills.
What remains when coal is burned?
Coal ash and coal slag.
What is non-point source?
Diffuse areas that produce pollution.
What is the goal of secondary treatment?
Using bacteria to breakdown the organic matter in the water.
What is Acid deposition?
Acids deposited on Earth as rain, snow, or as gases and particles that attach to the surfaces of plants, soil, and water.
What is underwater plumes?
Oil spilled that remains under water.
What is sediment pollution?
Human activity increasing the amount of sand, silt, and clay in the natural waterways.
What is human waste water?
Water produced by human activities.
What is a septic system?
Small and simple sewage treatments
What is synthetic compounds?
Pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and hormones.
What are containment booms?
Plastic barriers floating on he surface of the water and extending down into the water for several meters.
What is noise pollution?
Sounds emitted that interfere with animal communications.
What is disease causing organisms?
What is nutrient release? What is Oxygen demanding waste?
List one of the three major concerns about human waste water.
What is a sewage treatment plants?
Centralized sewage plants receiving waste water.
What are chemicals used in manufacturing?
Industrial compounds.
What is containment booms?
What is a chemical breakdown? What is genetically engineered bacteria?
List one the three ways to remediate oil pollution.
What is thermal pollution?
A dramatic change in temperature of a body of water.