Water Diseases Water and Society Water Technologies Water ethics Water on Earth and its Use
What is dengue?
Mosquito-borne tropical disease that include muscles and joint pains, headache and a characteristic skin rash, similar to measles.
What is the civil society?
It is the conjunction of different organizations that have different purposes, this is an actor that is a big part of the social aspect of governance. It relates different organizations and brings them to a common goal, fights for what people need.
What is filtration?
It is the physical process of tuning the quality of water and where most of the suspended particles are eliminated
What is sustainable development?
It is development that meets the needs of society into the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
What is water?
It is the most important resource for life in society, and this resource affects the socio-economic development of a population.
What is salmonella?
Infectious disease with symptoms that include diarrhea, vomit, general soreness, headache, nausea, and fever, among others.
What water-related problems do poor people have?
They are the worst affected, representing 50% of the population in developing countries because they are the most exposed to polluted water.
What are the characteristics of an indicator?
The characteristics are transparent, verifiable, measurable, or scientifically consistent
What is an ethical dilemma?
A complicated situation where different alternatives intertwine in a moral conflict in order to make a decision.
What is the non-consumptive use of water?
Process in which there is no water loss, meaning that the water entering the process is almost the same as the one that exits.
What are diahrroeal diseases?
The main type of diseases due to the scarcity of water and to the lack of proper sanitation and hygiene in the world.
What is water privatization?
Term that refers to the control or maintenance of water systems and water resources by private entities.
What is a biofilter?
Water treatment process that has various stages of filtering, one of which includes a biological element that can be represented by earth worms.
What is the participation principle
Principle that establishes the importance of the different interests of all groups, especially the poor and under-represented groups, should be taken into account can be fully represented.
What are plastic water bottles?
México is one of the first polluters. They are thrown away everywhere and pose a serious problem to the natural environments.
What is diarrhea?
Bacterial caused disease that presents symptoms like distended abdomen, abdominal pain, vomit, frequent evacuations, fever, etc.
What are Community Water Boards?
It is one governance model that encourages communities to take action so they can find a solution to their water situation and the acronym is CWB.
What is flocculation?
Phase of the water purification process in which chemical substances are added to agglutinate colloidal substances to facilitate their decantation and filtration.
What is the transaction principle?
This principle means that the saved and surplus water from the allocated amount can be traded as a commodity.
What are the rural areas?
Sector in México that achieved an increase from 50% to 74% in water access.
What is cholera?
Very infectious disease that has caused numerous deaths and has symptoms like abundant diarrhea, cramps and dehydration.
In the water context, what is empowerment?
A practice to facilitate participation and taking the leadership or influencial role by underrepresentatives stakeholders in planning and management of water resources.
What are some water saving methods?
Dry toilets, water storages, humidity traps are examples of these methods.
What is the "polluter pays" principle?
Ethics principle that supports the mitigation of environmental damages to prevent future contamination by setting up a fee.
For what is 1 km an acceptable distance, according to UN water dispositions?
Maximum distance for water accessibility, from the living facilities to the supply point.

Water for development - 2nd Stage

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