Types Of Water Crisis | Ethiopia | Cape Town |
What is Water Scarcity
What type of water crisis is caused by overpopulatation and drought?
What is water scarcity and poor sanitation
What are Ethiopia’s main problems?
What is drought and floods?
What are the main problems in Cape Town?
What is Desertification
What is the type of water crisis is caused by the sun Turing land into desert?
What is disease
What can drinking contaminated water lead to?
What is day zero?
Name the day the people run out of water?*Daily Double*
What is poor water sanitation
What type of water crisis is caused by pollution?*Daily Double*
What is drought
What is Ethiopia’s main casuse of water scarcity?
What is using water that they used to get clean to flush toilets and taking two showers per week?
Name two ways that Cape Town saved water?
What is 4
How many types of water crisis are there?
What is 11%
What percent of the population has access to improved sanitation/toilets?*Daily Double*
What is April 26, 2018
When did the floods start?
What is economic water scarcity
What type of water crisis is caused by people not having enough money to get to clean water?
What is 42%
What percent of the population has access to clean drinking water?
What is 100 L or 26 Gallons per person per day
How much water could the people of Cape Town use during the first restriction.