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What is the internet?
The network allows you to quickly access any information world wide from your computer.
What is a fever?
If you have an abnormally high body temperature and are throwing up,you've probably got ______.
What is fantabulous?
A word usually used by teenage girls; used for good or excellent.
What is being ostentatious?
If you're walking around showing of some jewelry just because you can in a poor neighborhood, you're ________ ___________.
What is to google something?
You do this when you want to access the biggest search engine online.
What is prescription?
A doctors written directions for the amount and use of medicine.
What is cybercrime?
Criminal activities usually executed by hackers through the Internet.
What is high-def?
This system offers high quality images with more detail on a screen.
What is a symptom?
A condition that comes with a disease.
What is ginormous?
One could easily describe something elephant-sized with this word mixture.
What is a search engine?
You use this software to search for things on the Web.
What is a ward?
Where people with similar conditions are treated.
What is a barista?
A person who will be serving a hot beverage from behind the counter.
What is spam?
This email classification often includes scandalous websites and advertisements.
What is internal?
A disease that's inside you.
What is a supercross?
Flying over huge jumps and feeling the rush on a huge dirt road, you're probably on the ___________.