True or False | Fill In The Blank | Synonym and Part of Speech |
What is True
The military discovered a massive advantage in the war when they introduced the JUGGERNAUT.
What is Saturate
The cook left the chicken in the broth to ________.
A) Saturate B) Raze C) Portend |
What is Verb
A) Bode
A) Bode B) Collect C) Enfeeble |
What is True
The spoiled child was LACKADAISICAL in his efforts to clean his room.
What is Badinage
In an attempt to flirt, the chad engaged in ________ with the woman.
A) Echelon B) Badinage C) Litany |
What is Verb
C) Demolish
A) Drench B) Shade C) Demolish |
What is False
The police were sent in to EXACERBATE the riot.
What is Macabre
The grave robbers have the ________ job of digging up decayed bodies.
A) Macabre B) Saturnine C) Irrefutable |
What is Adjective
C) Morose
A) Routine B) Tranquil C) Morose |
What is True
In order to make fun of his friends, Nate pointed out their FATUOUS statements.
What is Conciliate
The lawyer was able to ________ the judge.
A) Slough B) Countermand C) Conciliate |
What is Noun
B) Lack
A) Repartee B) Lack C) Catalog |