Reinforcement Data Collection Incidental Teaching Students Students
Fixed ratio 1, every response (programming- typically every correct response, manding- every request)
What does FR1 stand for
Alec, Danny, Joey, Daniel S
Which students do we use partial interval to track behaviors
missing items, lunch containers not fitting
Demonstrate how you could contrive a mand for help for Alee
Block fixing, verbally state that is not ours. Provide edible for not fixing if he appropriately walks away.
Danny attempts to fix an item that is not his an not appropriate to fix
45 minutes work- 7 minute trade-in
What is Olivia's reinforcement schedule for work sessions
Variable Ratio
What does VR stand for
Which students do we use momentary time sampling
Give item requested for brief amount of time and then use least intrusive most effective prompt needed to emit the correct mand
Demonstrate how to error correct an incorrect mand
Neutrally ignore and continue with current demand. Folllowing demand, prompt break
Seth engages in property destruction
30 minutes work-8 minute trade-in
What is Danny's reinforcement schedule
Fixed ratio 1, every response (programming- typically every correct response, manding- every request)
Demonstrate FR1
Alee- Self-Injury
Define Frequency and name a student and behavior that we track using frequency
Change in teacher schedule, change in programming materials, change in trade-in location
Name 3 examples of scenarios in which Alex could tolerate a change in his routine
Prompt Alec to take a minute, following a minute; ask Alec if he is ready to get to back to work. If Alec is still engaging in precursor or challenging
Alec is engaging in screeching and talking about how many school days are left, what should you do
use empathetic statements and ask what the problem is.
Isabella engages in verbal protests, what should you do
Variable ratio 3- average of every 3 responses
Demonstrate VR3
Set timer to specified interval, record a plus if the behavior is currently occuring or a minus if the behavior is not occurring
Define and Demonstrate mometary time sampling
Computer, close the door, bean bag, help
Name 3 examples of requests Ashvin could generate on his AAC device to practice his "I dont understand" program
Use least intrusive most effective method to transition Ashvin to a safe place to take a break.
Ashvin aggresses
do not respond and continue with current demand. Provide non-contingent item after. If more than 5 instances, notify BCBA to contact mom for medicine
Alee engages in self-injurious behavior
Variable ratio, variable interval, fixed interval, fixed ratio
Name all 4 schedules of reinforcement
Set timer to specified interval, record a plus if the behavior occurs during that interval and a minus if the behavior did not occur
Define and Demonstrate partial interval recording
Stop and bring him back to the original location
How do you error correct Daniel's hall pass program
Offer him one more minute, work on problem solving. Clear cluster, ask for additional staff member for shadow
Alex has one minute left of his trade-in and is beginning to engage in precursor behavior (fire alarm noises, etc.) what should you do
Andrew tells Nick to turn down the computer. Calmly state, that you are removing a token because we cannot tell our peers what to do
Provide an example of when Andrew would lose a token and what you would say to Andrew

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