Vitamins | Vitamins | Minerals | Minerals | Vitamins and Minerals |
Vitmains A, D, E, K
What are the fat-soluble vitamins?
Free Radicals
Vitamins E acts throughout the body to capture and disarm what?
Teeth and bones.
Nearly all the calcium in the body is found in...?
Minerals that are only required in small amounts
What is a trace element?
Growth retardation, hair and skin problems and loss of taste sensitivity are cause by a deficiency in which mineral?
B group Vitamins & Vitamin C
What are the water-soluable vitamins?
Thiamin (B1)
Vegemite is full of which vitamin?
Which mineral is essential for growth and maturation?
Iodine, zinc, copper, cobalt, manganese.
What is an example of a trace element?
Sodium and Potassium
Responsible for the contracting and relaxing of muscles are which minerals?
Releasing energy from carbohydrate, protein and lipids.
Riboflavin is an essential part of the process of...?
Weak and bent bones.
What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?
Meat, organ meats, whole fish and egg yolk.
Haem iron is found in which foods?
Sodium and potassium
Which 2 minerals depend on each other?
No effect. They are excreted in urine
An excess of water-soluble vitamins has what effect on the body?
Vitamins A
Helping to form the rod & cones cells in the retina is which vitamin?
Vitamin C
Ascorbic acid is also known as vitamin...?
Tooth decay can be caused by a lack of what in the diet?
Sodium can be added into the body by using which seasoning?
Vitamin C
Scurvy is a deficiency in which vitamin?
Which vitamin is important during pregnancy which helps prevent prematurity and neural tube defects?
The disease of the 'three D's' (diarrhoea, dementia & dermatitis) is caused by a deficiency in...?
Plant foods.
Non-haem iron is found in which foods?
Which mineral binds with calcium to help make bones and teeth strong?
Vitamin E
Which vitamin is a group of 8 different compounds called the tocopherols?