Vitamin A in Action | Food sources | dAngers | Vitamin A sources films | Yokes and yums (like jokes and puns! Get it?) All questions contain a vitamin A related pun. |
What is vision?
This sense is supported by vitamin A.
What is a mango?
This yummy tropical fruit is a excellent source of vitamin A.
What is night blindness?
This will be your first sign of a vitamin A deficiency.
What is a carrot?
In the questionable 2007 action thriller 'Shoot 'em Up', a man stabs another man in the head with this source of vitamin A.
What is PokeMANGO?
Folks with kids will remember this 2016 augmented reality game that got kids going outside.
What are white and red blood cells.
The production if these types of cells are stimulated by vitamin A.
What is kale?
This trendy vegetable has been a staple of Dutch cuisine for centuries.
Who are pregnant women and children in low income countries?
These populations are the most vulnerable to vitamin A deficiency.
What are carrots and leafy greens?
In Perter Jackson's 2001 hit film 'The Fellowship of the Ring', hobbit besties Merry and Pippin steal these vitamin A rich vegetables.
What is a cantaloupe. (Can't elope, get it?)
This vitamin A rich fruit shares it's name with what happens to a groom who breaks his leg the night before he flies off to secretly get married in vegas.
What is bone remodeling?
Vitamin A is essential in this phase of bone maintenance.
What is beef liver?
While a source of vitamin A, this food is absolutely disgusting.
What are eyebrows?
Someone who consistently consumes too much vitamin A, may notice hair loss in this area.
What is spinach?
In Shelley Duvall's classic film 'Popeye' this vegetable gives the titular hero his powers.
What is carrot?
If you are plumb out of hecks to give, you do not _____ at all.
What is reproduction?
Vitamin A regulates cell growth and division for this process.
What is squash?
A tasty fall treat, as well as a racket-and-ball sport.
What are mental changes?
You may notice vitamin A intoxication in a friend by this disturbing symptom.
What are eggs.
In the 2007 remake of Micheal Haneke's terrifying home invasion thriller, the villains enter the victim's house under the guise of wanting to borrow this vitamin A rich refrigerator staple.
What is to deliver?
You can tell if someone is an organ harvester or a postal worker, depending on the way they pronounce this word.
What are preformed retinols and provitamin caroitinoids?
These are the two main forms of vitamin A in the human diet.
What is an egg?
Though the poem never specifies it, we sure hope that Humpty Dumpty was this source of vitamin A.
What is hyperlipodemia?
While primarily caused by diets high in saturated and trans fats, chronic vitamin A toxicity can also lead to this condition.
What is sweet potato pie?
Danny Glover's hit holiday movie, 'Almost Christmas' has Danny attempting to bake this vitamin A rich seasonal dessert.
What is Pumpkins?
David S ____, a Saturday Night Live character, played by Tom Hanks, loves to do his own thing.