types of color blindness | causes of color blindness | visual sensory system | the brain |
Red-green color blindness
Most common type of color blindness
cause for genetic color blindness
the eye
entrance to the visual sensory system
the optic nerve
what cones and rods connect to
Blue-yellow color blindness
Less common type of color blindness
clouding of the eyes natural lens
cells that are sensitive to colors
the optic chasm
the place where the meeting of the optic nerves occurs
Inability to tell the difference between red-green
X chromosome
gene that causes red-green color blindness
where the light is processed
amount of optic nerves connected to the eye
Inability to differentiate blue-green and yellow-red
Parkinson's disease
light sensitive nerve cells are damaged and cannot function properly
cones and rods
the two different types of photoreceptor cells
the visual cortex
where visual information is processed
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON)
inherited optic neuropathy
red, green, and blue sensitive cones
three types of color sensitive cones