Market Research | Product | Place | Price |
What is Market Research?
The process of gathering, recording, analyzing, and reporting information regarding customers or potential customers
What is Competition
In business, competition refers to other businesses that are trying to attract the same customers as your business.
What is a Shopping Center?
A group of retail businesses that are located together
What is Price?
The amount of money a business charges for items it offers for sale.
What is Secondary Data?
Facts that have been collected previously for a purpose other tan the problem being studied.
What is a Product?
The goods that a factory manufactures and that a retail store offers for sale to customers
What is Competitive Business?
One that sells the same or comparable merchandise?
What is Market Share?
The percentage that a store has of the total sales in its trading area.
What is a Sample Size?
The number of people questioned for a survey
What are Price Points?
The typical selling prices at which goods are sold.
What is a Freestanding Location?
A store that is unattached to other stores.
What is Margin?
The difference between the retail price of an item and the cost of the item to the store.
What is Data?
Facts discovered in the market research process.
What is Marketability?
The ease with which products can be sold.
What is a Fixed-rate Lease?
Lease that charges the tenant a specific amount of rent each month.
What is Supply & Demand?
The principle that describes the amount of product available to sell and the willingness of customers to buy that product.
What is Quantitative Research?
Research often used to answer questions about quantities and amounts using a large sample of consumers.
What is Consultative Selling?
When a salesperson relies primarily on the customer to determine which product most closely matches his or her needs.
What is a Triple Net Lease?
A lease that charges the tenant rent plus the three operating costs of the rented property.
What is Profit?
The total revenue of a business less all expenses over a specific period of time.