Key Players America's Longest War The War at Home Major Happenings during the War After the War
Who is Ho Chi Minh
Creator of the Indochinese Communist Party, he based the Vietnamese Declaration Independence on the American Declaration of Independence.
What is France
The country America supported in 1950 when it tried to reestablish its rule in Vietnam after WWII
What is the Great Society
This suffered due to the cost of the war, inflation, and tax increases
What is the Tet offensive
An overwhelming Vietcong month-long attack on over 100 towns and cities in South Vietnam ,12 U.S. air bases, and the U.S. Embassy.
What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
About 15 percent of the 3.3 million soldiers developed this condition due to their involvement in the Vietnam War.
Who is General William Westmoreland
A West Point graduate who commanded troops in South Vietnam.
Who is John F. Kennedy
In 1961, he increased financial aid to Ngo Dinh Diem and sent thousands of military advisers to help train South Vietnamese troops; all to avoid looking "soft" of communism
What is a credibility gap
The outcome between what the Johnson administration reported and what was really happening
Who is Robert Kennedy
After winning the California primary, he was shot by Sirhan Sirhan
What is the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial
This monument was revealed in 1982 in Washington D.C. to honor those who fought in the Vietnam War
Who is Lyndon Baines Johnson
Contrary to his campaign position, he dispatched tens of thousands U.S. soldiers to fight in Vietnam
What is the USS Maddox
The alleged attack on this American Destroyer prompted President Johnson to launch bombing strikes on North Vietnam
What is the draft
Resistance to this forced service enlistment continued from 1967 until President Nixon phased it out.
What is the My Lai Massacre
Searching for Vietcong rebels, troops were ordered to attack a small village
What are "reeducation" or labor camps
In Vietnam, the North Vietnamese forced the South Vietnamese into these camps.
Who is Robert McNamara
Once the Secretary of Defense, he left the Johnson Administration to become the head of the World Bank
What are napalm and Agent Orange
Two weapons used by the United States to expose Vietcong tunnels and hideouts.
What are the doves and the hawks
The two camps Americans divided themselves into; one that opposed the war and one that supported the war
What is the Invasion of Cambodia
Despite not having Congress' approval, Richard Nixon approved this military offensive
What is the War Powers Act
In November 1973, Congress passed this law which states that a president must inform Congress within 48 hours of sending forces into a hostile area and cannot keep troops there longer than 90 days without approval.
Who is Henry Kissinger
He helped negotiate America's withdrawal from Vietnam and later helped forge new relations with China and the Soviet Union.
What is to stop the spread of Communism
The main reason America became involved in the Vietnam Conflict
What is the Pentagon Papers
This document confirmed that the U.S. government had not been honest about its war intentions
What is the Fall of Saigon
In March of 1975, North Vietnam launched a full-scale invasion which resulted in this.
Who is Gerald Ford.
This president refused to re-send American troops to Vietnam despite appeals from the South Vietnamese leader.

Vietnam War

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