Verbal, Nonverbal or Physical Quid Pro Quo, Hostile Work Environment or Fun Time Preventing or Encouraging Sexual Harassment
What is verbal sexual harassment?
Calling an employee nicknames, such as Sexy Pants.
What is a hostile work environment?
One of my colleagues sending me sexual jokes or pictures via email that make me very uncomfortable.
What is preventing sexual harassment?
Telling harasser to stop and letting them know that their actions are unwanted.
What is nonverbal sexual harassment?
Displaying sexual objective objects, pictures or posters.
What is an example of hostile work environment sexual harassment?
Wearing something inappropriate with the intent to get the attention of an employee.
What is encouraging sexual harassment?
Dismissing or ignoring the act of sexual harassment.
What is nonverbal sexual harassment?
Staring can be a form of sexual harassment.
What is Quid Pro Quo?
This for that in Latin.
What is preventing sexual harassment?
I want to share a sexual joke to a group of employees but think before I act and I don't share.
What is physical sexial harassment?
Touching, rubbing, back massaging and any other bodily contact.
What is a hostile work environment?
Every time I walk by Julie's cubicle she licks her lips and laughs with my shocked look.
What is encouraging sexual harassment?
A colleague shares a sexual picture they found online and I show it to another colleague who seems uncomfortable. I tell them to relax!
What is verbal sexual harassment?
Whistling at an employee and saying "hey there sexy!"
What is Quid Pro Quo?
My boss told me if I sleep with him it will be good for my career.
What is preventing sexual harassment?
I respect all my colleagues and do not cross the line with anyone.

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