Braxton | Brody | Bree | our family | our friends |
an ear infection
when Braxton is sick, his most common thing is...
"honey i shrunk the kids" when the ant died
what was the first movie Brody cried in?
neigh neigh
what is my stuffed horses name?
general consensus
can you name 3 family adventure challenges we have done...
Tyler, Beau
2 of Braxton's friends have made it far in hockey. Who?
very easy |
what was Braxton's favorite stuffed animal as a kid?
judge rules
act out peter pan...
Strawberry's or bananas
what is my favorite fruit?
where did we go in 2019 on march break?
which one of moms friends is pregnant
you pick
name 4 jobs Braxton has ever had
jack and the never land pirates
when Brody was little what was his favorite tv show?
judge rules
act out a pig...
Space jam
what movie did we see at the drive in 2021?
what is Mr. Redling's name?
Judge rules
act out lightning McQueen...
what is Duffy's job?
what sport does our family know the best?
Liam Nunn
what one of Brody's friend wears #88 in hockey?
general consensus,
a.k.a. mom
how much did Braxton weigh when he was born?
general consensus
where was Brody born?
general consensus
what time was I born?
November 3rd 2017
what date and year did we get Wrigley?
Sophia, Karlie, Mckenna, Amelia, Kaia, ava.
3 of my friends parents are divorced who are those 3 friends?