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What program did we use during the 3D printing unit?
physical, mental, emotional, and social
What are the four areas of health?
line, color, shape, form, space, value, texture
What are the 7 elements of art?
What is one-third of 60?
What animal is our school name associated with?
How many band saws do I have in my room?
1 pack of cigarettes- approximately 20-26 cigarettes
One Juul pod is equivalent to how many cigarettes?
green, purple, orange
What are the 3 secondary colors?
African Elephant, Blue Whale
What is the largest known land animal today? what is the largest ocean animal?
Wizards, Dragons, Wolves, Bears, Eagles, Mustangs
Name all the team names for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade
Frank and Fred
What were the two names of the young men in the Wister story?
Assertive communication (not passive or aggressive)
As an effective communicator, which style of communication is best?
Score and Slip
How do you connect two pieces of clay?
Tooth Enamel
What is the hardest substance in your body?
Before we were the Royals what was the school's mascot.
Play-do Wall Cleaner
For our Investigation slides report what product did I use as an example and what is the product originally used for?
-steer clear
-say, "No" -walk away -ignore -broken record -better idea -reverse the pressure -make an excuse -reverse the pressure
List 5 of the 9 refusal strategies
Shape is 2D, form is 3D
What's the difference between shape and form?
What do you call a person who studies weather
-Stempinski -Rogne
Name a teacher that was once a student at Valley.
- 5 colors or less
- at least one word with Wordart - at least 1 image - cannot be an actual image of a person or animal.
What are three of the four rules I gave for your T-shirt Design? (3 things you should have and one that you should not put on your shirt)
Depressants are drugs that calm a person, slowing the brain and body reactions (alcohol)
What is a depressant and how does it affect the body?
What's the oven called that cooks clay?
Four – left and right atria and left and right ventricles
How many chambers are there in the human heart?
Brooks Bollinger
What former Valley student played in the NFL?