Numbers Bio and Chem Neurology Impact of Legalization Judiasm and Pot
What are places where medical marijuana has been legalized?
23 States and the District of Columbia
What is THC?
The concentration of this chemical in Marijuana, first isolated by and Israeli scientist in 1964, has increased from 1% in 1975 to 14% in 2014.
What is IQ.
A recent study followed people from age 13 to 38 and found that those who used marijuana a lot in their teens had up to an 8 point drop in this.
What is $650-$1000?
An average marijuana user in Colorado will spend this much annually.
What is " that our body is a gift from G‑d, and we are therefore not the owners of it and we can’t cause it any damage?"
The Torah teaches about our bodies.
What is 400?
The number of chemicals in marijuana.
What is Cannabis ?
The plant species which Marijuana comes from.
What is long term memory.
Animal studies have shown that chronic use of THC starting in teen years can permanently impair this.
What are elevated health care costs?
Impact from increased risk of injuries, respiratory illnesses and hospitalizations
Who is Maimonades?
This 12th Century sage wrote in the Mishnah Torah, that you must shun anything harmful to your body.
What is 35%?
The percentage of 12th graders in the U.S. reporting use of Marijuana in the past year.
What are adverse (negative) effects of marijuana?
Paranoia, anxiety and panic attacks, irritability, impaired short term memory, poor attention, poor coordination, distorted special perceptions, altered awareness of time, hallucinations, mood swings
What is 24?
Marijuana has a more significant effect on the teenager because the neuropathways in the brain are still developing until this age.
What is 100%?
Increased rate of people testing positive for marijuana use in fatal motor vehicle accidents in Colorado since legalizing recreational use two years ago.
What is " the law of the land is the law of the land."
The meaning of the phrase, "Dina d’malchuta dina,” which is repeated numerous times in the Talmud and always attributed to the sage Samuel.
What is "The belief that marijuana is safe".
The percentage of teens that believe this has increased from 20% in 1990 to 65% in 2014.
What is 2-4 hours?
The time to peak effect after ingesting edibles with marijuana.
What is addiction?
Unlike adults, teens are 17% more like to develop this from routine use of Marijuana.
What are drug related school expulsions?
Colorado schools have experienced a 32% increase in this since 2012.
What is '"You shall be holy" - meaning that you should not seek out and indulge in excess pleasures
The meaning of "Kedoshim Tihiyu"
What is drive a vehicle?
20% of teens report doing this after using marijuana.
What is CBD - Cannabidiol?
Unlike THC, the medicinal benefits from Marijuana are due to this chemical that is often NOT in high enough concentration in most species of the Cannabis plant.
What is 1-2 days.
Many of the detrimental neurocognitive effects have a "hangover" effect lasting this long.
What is accidental ingestions of marijuana?
Over 200% increase in this in children 0-5 years of age.
What is Compassion?
The reason medical marijuana is acceptable to the Rabbis - This is one of the first of God's 13 Attributes of Mercy that is mentioned in the Torah (Exodus 34:6-7), and that we recite in unison three times on both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.


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