Carbon Dating | Uranium dating | Radioactive Tracers | Radiation and You |
Most carbon on Earth exists in the form of_____
What is uranium dating?
The dating of very old, nonliving things
Describe what a tracer is
A chemical compound in which one or more atoms have been replaced by a radio isotope
What are three sources of natural background radiation?
Cosmic rays, earth minerals, and radon in the air
True or false: All living things contain both carbon-12 and carbon-14
How is the percentage of lead isotopes in an ancient uranium-bearing rock related to its age?
The older the rock, the higher percentage of lead isotopes.
Describe two uses of radioactive tracers
1. Agricultural research - plant fertilizer
2. to study the process of digestion (there are many more) |
True or false: cosmic radiation is more intense at lower elevations than at higher elevations.
How is the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 in a living organism related to the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 in the atmosphere?
The same
Which is the letter of the age of the oldest rocks from samples from the moon that have been dated using uranium dating? A. 1.2 million years, B. 2.2 million years, C. 4.2 billion years, D. 12.2 billion years
C. 4.2 billion years
Give one example of a useful radio isotope
Cesium .137 (and many more)
Our bodies are bombarded most by massless chargeless particles called______
How do scientists figure out how long ago a plant or animal died using carbon dating?
Measuring ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12
How is uranium dating different than carbon dating?
carbon dating is only for things that were once alive, where uranium dating is for nonliving things.
True or false: radio isotopes can prevent food from spoiling quickly.
What is the most damaging form of radiation? A. Alpha particles B. gamma rays C. beta particles D. Positrons
B. gamma rays
True or false: Archeologists use carbon dating techniques on skeletons.
How can you calculate when it was formed?
By using the half-lives of uranium isotopes and the percentage of lead isotopes in the uranium bearing rock.
True or false: radio active isotopes have the same element, but its atoms have more proton particles in their atomic nuclei
True or false: people who receive high doses of radiation have shorter life expectancies than those who do not.