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Independence Hall in Pennsylvania
Where was the Declaration of Independence signed
Stone Mountain
What is this famous mountain which has the leaders of the Civil War carved on it?
What state is the first to see the sun every morning?
South Dakota
Where is Mount Rushmore located?
Where do many of our trees that are used to make paper come from?
Washington D.C.
What is the capitol of the USA
Colorado River
What river helped form the Grand Canyon?
Mount McKinley
What mountain is the highest point in North America
Four presidents
What does Mount Rushmore have carved on it?
Gateway Arch
What arch is located in St. Louis Missouri
What state is Chicago in
Liberty Bell
What has a large crack in it. It was used to gather people together to tell important news during the Revolutionary war
What is the largest state in the USA?
What state do we get most of our lobsters from?
How many states are in the USA?
What state do whales pass by on their way to their Arctic feeding grounds
Statue of Liberty
What statue stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor in New York City?
Miami Beach in Florida
Where is the largest beach resort in the whole world?
Capital Building
In what building are the laws made?
President Obama
Who is our president?
What state is the capital of Alaska?
Golden Gate Bridge
What famous bridge is located in California?
White House
Where does the president live?
What state is the home of the Bayou Swamps?
What state do you live in?