Colorado | Hawaii | Vermon | Florida | Idaho |
What is the capital?
Hispanic, Asian, Indians
What ethnic groups make up the largest population?
Sugar Maple
What is the state tree?
What is the capital?
What is the capital?
What is the major business in Colorado?
How many islands make up the Hawaiian Islands?
Green Mountain State
What is the state nickname?
What is the state tree?
1. Mountain Bluebird
2. Robin 3. Cardinal
What is the state bird?
1.World's largest rodeo
2. Butterfly catching contest 3. Cow Milking contest
What happens in Denver every year?
What is the state flower in Hawaii?
1. Yucca
2. Goldenrod 3. Red Clover
What is the state flower?
Hot and humid with a yearly possibility of hurricanes
What is the climate like?
What is a major tourist attraction here?
1. Denver Art Museum
2. NIagara Falls 3. Alligator Farm
What is a sight that is fun to see in Colorado?
What is the
1. 77,000 sq. miles
2. 10,000 3. 121,500
What is the size of Vermont?
In God We Trust
What is the motto?
Gem State
What is the nickname?
1. Mrs. Johnson
2. Tim Allen 3. Daniel Boone
Who is a famous person born in Colorado?
President Obama
What president was born in here?
John Deere
Who invented the steel plow (born in Vermont)?
Disney World
What major sight to see is located in Orlando?
1. Hewlett Packard
2. Microsoft 3. Apple
What major business is located here?