Who Really Discovered America | States | Middle Ages | Black Plague | Renaissance |
Who are the Chinese?
This group of people had a map dated back to 1417
What is New York
This state is known for having the Statue of Liberty.
What is peasants?
These people in the bottom of the Feudal system worked the land.
What is 25 million?
The Black Death killed this many people in Europe.
Who is Leonardo Da Vinci?
This renaissance artist created the painintg of "Mona Lisa".
Who are the Welsh?
This group of explorers assimilated with the Nandan Native Americans
What is Massachusetts?
This state is home to the Boston Massacre.
What is Knights?
This group of warriors were the main fighting force used in Feudal society.
What is ancestors?
Complete the phrase: People would eat breakfast with friends and dinner with ____
What is Increased?
The renaissance is a time of _____ interest in art and science.
What is the Junk?
This type of boat was able to carry 1500 tons of cargo
What is Illinois?
This state is called the "Land of Lincoln"
What is 4?
There were this many Crusades sent to take Jerusalem.
What is Poland?
This country stayed the safest of all in Europe.
What is the Medici Family?
This family was very wealthy and powerful do to their Merchant business in Northern Italy.
Who is Eric the Red
Leif Erickson's Father
What is New Mexico?
This Four Corner state also touches Texas.
Who are kings and queens.
These people own all of the land used in the Feudal system.
What is True?
True or False: The plague caused the decline in Feudalism.
What is the Reformation?
This event split the Roman Catholic Church.
What is the Te Puke?
The name of the Polynesian style of boat used to settle the Islands in the Pacific.
What is Michigan?
This state touches more Great Lakes than any other.
What is 400 AD to 1400AD
The Middle Ages take place between these years.
What is False?
True or False: Nobility were able to stay away from the disease and were unaffected by it.
What is 1455?
The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in this year.