1965 Voting Rights Act
What is the civil rights reform that made it possible for several African-Americans to sit in the the jury in the Edgar Ray Killen case?
What is the case that the United States Supreme Court ruled that state laws against interracial marriages were unconstitutional and therefore illegal?
What is the 24th Amendment?
It eliminated the financial barriers that prevented many Americans from voting.
What is Neshoba County, Mississippi
In 2004, Edgar Ray Killen was put on trial for the 1964 murders of three civil rights activists. What county and state did these murders take place?
What is the series of secret alliances and diplomatic blunders that led to the Great War of 1914 to 1918?
President Wilson's Fourteen Points was a call for open diplomacy, which was one of the most notable, which caused an end to secret treaties and agreements.
What is the Civil Rights Movement?
This movement was comprised of diverse groups with very different approaches about reaching the goal of social and legal equality
What is "Does the National Recovery Act violate the separation of powers among the three branches?"
In 1935 landmark case, the Supreme Court ruled that parts of the New Deal were unconstitutional. What legal question was at the center of this case?
What is the 7th Amendment?
Provides for the right to trial by jury in certain civil cases, according to common law.
What is responses of state and local governments to attempt to end de jure segregation?
Southern Manifesto
Fabus sends National Guard to Little Rock
Bull Conner uses dogs and water cannon
Citizens Couoncil
Private Academies
Riot at Ole Miss
What do these have in Common?
What is World War I?
The following terms originated from this war:
doughboy, gas mask, dog fighting, Big Bertha
What is the Dust Bowl?
This devastation forced the Okies to abandon their midwestern farms and travel west in search of better lives and opportunities
What is the impact on American commerce and travel in the case Wabash vs. Illinois?
In this case, the court ruled that only the federal government could regulate interstate commerce because states might issue conflicting regulations.
What is the 15th Amendment?
Prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude
What was the purpose of the literacy tests and the poll tax?
This would prevent African-American citizens from registering to vote.
What is Yom Kippur War?
1973, OPEC placed an embargo on the United States, causing a severe shortage and a rapid rise in petroleum products. What event caused this?
What is the Anti-Trust Act?
"Kingly prerogatives are inconsistent with our form of government. If we will not endure a king as a political power, we should not endure a king over the production, transportation, and sale of any of the necessaries of life"--Senator John Sherman, Ohio, 1890.
Which Act is this an example of?
What is the impact of the Supreme Court Case of Griggs vs.Duke?
Tests given to applicants must be reasonably job-related and cannot have a disproportionate impact on minorities, even if no discrimination was intended.
What is the 1st Amendment?
Prohibits Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances
What is the Underwood Tariff of 1913?
This Tariff placed the first direct tax on Americans' incomes, so that the federal government could recoup lost revenue.
What is Executive Order 13166 and
Who is William J. Clinton?
Issued in 2000, this eliminates, to the extent possible, limited English proficiency as a barrier to full and meaningful participation by beneficiaries in all federally-assisted and federally-conducted programs and activities. Name the order and the President.
What is the Volstead Act?
In 1920, Congress passed the law that gave the Treasury Department authority to arrest anyone manufacturing, transporting, or selling alcoholic beverages.
What is U.S. vs. O'Brien?
The Supreme Court ruled that the destruction of a draft card inhibited an important government objective that was unrelated to the stifling of unpopular speech.
What is the 2nd Amendment?
Protects the right to keep and bear arms.
What is Harry Truman's Containment Policy?
1947-America sends $400 million to aid Greece and Turkey in fighting communists insurgents.
1948-America gives 12 billion dollars to Western Europe to rebuild after World War II.
1948-1949-american aircrafts deliver 2 milliion tons of food to Germany during Soviet blockade.
1949-America joins the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to prevent Soviet attack on Western Europe.
What American Foreign policy is this an example of?
Who is Mary Estelle Harris,(commonly know as Mother Jones, for her radical tactics used to organize labor unions)
John D Rockefeller once said, "She is the most dangerous woman in America." To whom was Mr. Rockefeller referring?


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