Ch.13 The Cold War Ch.14 Postwar America Chapter 15: The New Frontier and the Great Society Ch.16: The Civil Rights Movement Chapter 17: The Vietnam War
What is the Iron Curtain?
The political and military barrier that isolated Soviet-controlled countries of Eastern Europe after World War II.
What is the G.I. Bill?
This act provided funds to help veterans establish businesses, buy homes, and attend college.
What is the missile gap?
A supposed shortage in the number of nuclear weapons possessed by the United States compared to the number the Soviet Union had.
What is Rosa Parks?
This person helped set off the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
What is napalm?
A jellied gasoline that explodes on contact.
What is the Truman Doctrine?
A policy which was to aid those who worked to resist being controlled by others- mainly from Communism.
What is Levittown?
One of the earliest mass-produced suburbs with hundreds of simple, similar-looking homes.
What is due process?
A judicial requirement that laws may not treat individuals unfairly, arbitrarily, or unreasonably, and that courts must follow proper procedures and rules when trying cases.
What is Brown v. Board of Education?
This case ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional.
What is Doves?
The nickname for people who wanted the United States to leave Vietnam.
What is the Potsdam Conference?
Stalin and Truman meet up to discuss a deal on Germany about reparations after World War II.
What is the baby boom?
The U.S. birthrate exploded after WWII. From 1945 to 1961, more than 65 million children were born in the United States.
What is Sputnik?
The first satellite launched into orbit in 1957.
What is the sit-in movement?
A movement where African Americans demanded to be served just the same as white people and refused to move from their seat.
What is the domino theory?
The belief that if one nation in Asia fell to the Communists, neighboring countries would follow.
What is containment?
The policy or process of preventing the expansion of a hostile power.
What is Rock 'n' Roll?
The most popular form of music during the 1950s.
What is Lee Harvey Oswald?
The man accused of killing President John F. Kennedy.
What is the freedom riders?
Teams of African American and white volunteers boarded several southbound interstate buses to challenge segregation and were met by angry mobs.
What is Ho Chi Minh?
Leader of North Vietnam and the Vietcong.
What is the Red Scare?
During the 1950s, rumors and accusations spawned fears that Communists were trying to take over the world.
What is the termination policy?
Under this plan, the federal government withdrew all official recognition of Native American groups as legal entities and made them subject to the same laws as white citizens.
What is the Great Society?
President Lyndon Johnson's program that touched nearly every aspect of American life and improved many lives and included programs such as civil rights, Department of Housing and Urban Development, The Immigration Act of 1965, Medicare, Medicaid, and Head
What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
This law made segregation illegal in most places of public accomodation, and gave citizens of all races and nationalities equal access to public facilities. It also established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as a permanent federal agency.
What is Vietnamization?
The process of making South Vietnam assume more of the war effort by slowing withdrawing American troops from Vietnam.

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