One Two Three Four Five
What is Social Darwinism?
an idea that the best-run businesses led by the most capable people will survive and prosper
What is the Selective Service Act?
a law passed by Congress in 1917 to create a national draft
What were Flappers?
during the Roaring Twenties, a young woman who broke with traditional expectations for how women should dress and behave
What is a belligerent?
a country taking part in war
What is a modernist?
a person who embraces new ideas, styles, and social trends
What is the Panama Canal?
the canal built by the United States through the Isthmus of Panama to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
the declaration by President James Monroe in 1823 warning European powers against future colonization in the Western Hemisphere or interference in Latin American republics
What is the Lusitania?
an unarmed British ocean liner whose sinking by a German U-boat on May 7, 1915, influenced the U.S. decision to enter World War I
What was Black Tuesday?
October 29, 1929; the worst day of plunging stock market prices during the stock market crash that helped initiate the Great Depression
What is mass media?
newspapers, magazines, and other methods of communicating to a mass audience
What is the Treaty of Versailles?
a peace treaty signed by the Allied powers and Germany on June 18, 1919, at the Paris peace conference
What is Hull House?
the first settlement house in Chicago, founded by Jane Addams
What is the Anti-Imperialist League?
an organization formed during the Spanish-American War to oppose the establishment of U.S. colonies
What is buying on margin?
buying stock by paying a percentage of a stock's price and borrowing the rest of the money from a broker, allowing one to make greater profits if the stock does well
What is the Eighteenth Amendment?
a constitutional change ratified in 1919 prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcoholic beverages; repealed by the Twenty-first Amendment in 1933
What is imperialism?
empire building
What is the Nineteenth Amendment?
a constitutional change ratified in 1920 declaring that women have the right to vote in state and national elections
What is yellow journalism?
the exaggerated style of newspaper reporting during the 1890s that was sparked by the rivalry between two New York City newspapers and helped inflame public support for war with Spain
What is the Charleston?
a dance that originated as an African American folk dance in the South and became popular throughout the United States and Europe during the Roaring Twenties
What is foreign policy?
the set of guidelines and practices that a nation follows in its relations with other nations
What is the Platt Amendment?
provisions in the Cuban constitution, added as a condition for the withdrawal of U.S. troops in 1902, allowing the United States to intervene in Cuban affairs and to buy or lease land for naval bases
What is the Zimmerman Note?
during World War I, a coded telegram that German foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann sent to the German minister in Mexico proposing that if the United States entered the war, Mexico and Germany should become allies
What is the USS Maine?
a battleship sunk in Havana harbor in 1898, an event that helped rouse public support for war with Spain
What is a traditionalist?
a person who has deep respect for long-held cultural and religious values
What is the Scopes trial?
a criminal trial, held in Dayton, Ohio, in 1925, that tested the constitutionality of a Tennessee law that banned the teaching of Darwin's theory of evolution in schools

US History 2 Final Exam Vocabulary

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