Defining Food Justice Social Benefits of Urban Agriculture Assessment Suggestions Limitations
What is 13%
What is the percentage of U.S. households that experienced food insecurity in 2015
What is Increasing food access
What is one social benefit of Urban Agricultural
What is Removing barriers
What is seen as less controversial than other options and requires few city resources
What is Baltimore’s urban agriculture plan which was released in 2013
What lays out a series of actions accompanied by identified actors and a timeline for action
What is Already advantage communities
What is Urban Agricultural dominated by today
What is Urban Agricultural
What is one place-based strategy frequently associated with attempts to address food injustice
What is 30-40%
What is the percentage of families in Seattle who participate in community gardening offset their fresh produce needs
What is Reduce utility fees and property taxes
What is the second common strategy of Urban Agricultural assessment
What is Planners can develop strategies to specifically target urban agriculture resources
What is the third thing planners can suggest
What is 1,000
How many community gardens in NYC identify as African-American or Latino
What is Food insecurity
What is lack of access to food that is needed for an active and healthy life
What is Climate
What is one factor that Urban Agricultural demands on to contribute to food security
What is Space and funds
What does municipal governments tend to allocate in regards to Urban Agriculture
What is Includes utility fee reductions, grant funding, and infrastructure investments, to historically disadvantaged communities
What does the develop strategies include
What is 80%
What percentage of respondents agree that issues of race and class bias must be front in center in Urban Agricultural
What is All people be able to access land to grow their own food
What does food justice demand
What is 2/3rds
What is the fraction of farmers who are failing to make a living in the U.S according to a 2012 survey
What is A meaningful way in permanently protecting land for urban agriculture
What do many cities not invest in
What is More gardens and farms, much as they do for parks and playgrounds
What can the planners deliberately and strategically create and protect
What is 16%
What is the percentage of organizations that have policies in place to insure diverse hiring practices
What is Food systems workers earn livable wages
What does food justice also demand
What is It creates higher home prices
What is the contribution of community gardens in NYC
What is The lack of permanent tenure
What is problematic for less resourced organizations and for urban agriculture practitioners without other access to land.
What is The first thing planners can do when making suggestions
What is prioritize urban agriculture in long-range neighborhood and public service delivery planning, connecting urban agriculture strategies to equity and social justice
What is Agro-ecological knowledge
What is the Black/Latino immigrant farmer's devalued by the local urban agricultural organization

Urban Agricultural

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