Business Details | Features | Competitors | Strategic 7 |
What are 200 - 2000 employees
This size business is considered “Upmarket” (# employees)
What is 46 workflows
Average number of email workflows per Marketing Hub Enterprise customer
What is Salesforce
This CRM company known for its cloud logo
What is Fast and Easy?
The first of the Strategic 7 objectives
What is 17,713 (~17k)
Number of Marketing Hub Enterprise portals using automation
What is Governance
Establishing a framework to manage technology and ensure that it supports an organization's goals
What is Adobe
This company acquired Marketo in 2018
What is the 4th objective?
This # objective focuses on upmarket
What is Net New ARR (NNARR)
The primary KPI for the Upmarket Objective
What are approvals?
A governance process businesses do manually today before setting a workflow live
What is Zoho
This company ironically offers its own “Sales Force Automation” tool for automated sales and marketing operations to manage the customer journey end-to-end
Who is Nicholas Holland
He is the DRI for the AI objective
What is Sandboxes or Business Units or Hublets?
The biggest features our Upmarket customers ask for
What is revisions?
A new system being built by Enablement, Workflows, and CXA
What is Agentforce
Salesforce recently announced this suite of tools that “augment employees and handle tasks in service, sales, marketing, and commerce”
What is “human-assisted”
The 5th objective is to scale Sales with a product-led, “____-assisted” motion
What are limits?
We plan to optimize these to increase value of Enterprise, and differentiate Pro vs Ent
What are workflows Monitoring Notifications
This PQL is Automation’s top Marketing Hub Enterprise upgrade point in terms of impressions
What is HubSpot
Named a Leader in B2B Marketing Automation Platforms for the fourth consecutive year in 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™
What is Grow Remarkably?
The 7th Strategic 7 objective