Lore and Characters | Fanon | PC-9801 music. | Spellcards | Characters |
Sunny Milk, Luna Child, Star (hot) Sapphire, won't go into details on their wavelength manipulations
Name the Three Fairies of Light and their abilities.
2005. No, PoFV is not a valid answer, I asked when.
When did the 9 meme first appear.
Sleeping Terror
Moonlight Ray
What's the name of the spellcard first introduced in Touhou.
A crane with a missing wing.
Eika Ebisu, with an impressive age of roughly minus one month (isn't that hot, Jacs?)
Who would be the youngest character (during their first appearance)
A giant catfish
Meiling’s sleeping habits started due to…?
Eternal Shrine Maiden
which stage would that be, heh?
Restless and Respledent Life of a ~~dumb child~~ bug princess, Hourai Elixir.
What are the two touhou spells which feature intended slowdown?
Vampire of the Blood Lake
~~she liked the idea of sealing bullets~~ she wanted to avoid making friends. If you said the former, double points to you.
Why did Sumireko created the Secret Sealing Club?
Sanae is a good girl
Why exactly is Sanae considered a slut?
Winds of Time
one of the three themes that I still enjoy after SV
uhh no not mentioning them all
Name at least 3 spells that contains a "Border of Wave and Particle" pattern, except the original spell from SA and StB (I told sky it was a bad question btw)
A threesome of a person
Human, sailor, university student.
Chiyuri’s species and both occupations?
What’s “the most difficult spellcard in all of touhou”, which is currently a meme in itself? (NOT TSS)
PoDD Night Ending
Kana, Mima...
~~Jacs~~ Youmu
Who owns Wheel of Pain of the Living and Dead?
Sariel. If you said Vier, double penalty.
Big wings, angel, blue outfit, the longest boss in the game by far.
definitely not covering them lol. Will do it myself.
Main theories (official) regarding succ’s past. Which is the only one to be confirmed by a non-human?
Now, this is a bit of a guessing game, so no penalties apply, you can only win, but you have one attempt. Who, other than me, led to the creation of the Ч key meme in a vc session?
Reika's theme from Hercequary. +400 points for at least naming the game. PC-9801, am I right?
No, seriously, just die
Nobody. It's a fanmade name for Mugetsu final by Medaru Daka.
Who owns Dream Barrier Vortex?
Marisa's pet snake, Tsuchinoko.
A loaf of snake