The Basics | Steps to Success for Loaned Executives | Just the Facts |
What is the percentage of the investment that stays in southern Cameron County?
What is the 2nd step to planning your campaign?
Set Goals & Objectives
What is the number of children who received rehabilitative therapy?
What are the three ways to LIVE UNITED?
What is the Level 3 Thank You Item for 2014?
Fruit Fusion Bottle
What is number of dollars in Earned Income Tax Credits that was returned to the community of southern Cameron County?
What are the 3 building blocks for a good quality of life?
Education, Income and Health
What is number of times we should be saying 'thank you'?
What is the initiative that puts books in the hands of children?
Dolly Parton Imagination Library
What is VITA?
The United Way initiative that supports improving financial stability by providing tax assistance.
What is a way for employees to see first-hand how their investment is making an impact?
Agency Tours
What is Su Clinica Familar?
The United Way Partner Agency that helps parents and their children improve their nutrition and overcome obesity
What is number of United Way Partner Programs
What is the most important thing to check for on the pledge form?
What is the brand for the Partnership for Postsecondary Success?
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