Allocations | Agency Partners | Initiatives | Services & Areas of Focus | Random Facts About Staff Members |
What is 70%?
This percentage of the Community Investment Fund invested in the area of Education, Health, and Health
What is 27?
The current number of UWNCFL Community Impact Partner agencies.
What are ReadingPals, Check & Connect, Seal & Smile, and VITA?
There are four grant-funded initiatives at United Way.
What is 2-1-1?
The 24 hour hotline people can call for help
What is Mary Broadfoot?
This UWNCFL employee who has two "hot dogs" that can't be eaten.
What are Alachua, Bradford, Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy & Union counties?
The counties that comprise UWNCFL's service area.
What is Micanopy Tutoring?
The K-12 education program run by our Community Impact Partner agency - Friends of the Micanopy Library.
What is 2.6 million dollars?
The $ amount of community impact delivered through VITA in 2013.
What is the workplace campaign?
This is where the highest majority of our resources are raised for community investment
Who is Jennifer Stojkovic?
The UWNCFL employee from the Great White North.
What is $3?
Every $1 invested through the Community Impact Fund equals ___ dollars of impact in the community.
What is Early Learning Coalition?
The Community Impact Partner agency with a 16:1 match in federal dollars.
What is Check & Connect?
This initiative is aimed at reducing high school drop-out rates.
What is FamilyWize prescription discount card?
This discount prescription drug program is aimed at reducing the cost of prescription medicine for families, individuals, and children.
Who is Angela Hutchings?
The UWNCFL employee whose husband handles soil samples on an almost daily basis.
What is 26 programs?
The number of programs funded through the Community Investment Fund.
What is Meals on Wheels?
The Community Impact Partner agency PROGRAM with a 10:1 match in federal dollars.
What is Children's Movement of Florida?
This organization funds the ReadingPals grant.
What is 90%?
This is United Way’s high school graduation rate goal for 2018.
Who is Dana Clayton?
The UWNCFL employee who is a mom to fraternal twins.
What is 30%?
This percentage of the Community Investment Fund invested in the area of Immediate Needs
What is Catholic Charities?
This Community Impact Partner agency has 4 funded programs, the most of any agency
What is Seal & Smile?
The United Way initiative that addresses the number one reason for absenteeism in school.
What is Income?
The goal of this area of focus is to reduce domestic impediments to education caused by poverty.
Who is Rhonda Johnson?
The UWNCFL employee who has worked at UWNCFL the longest.