Verbs | Adverbs + a Noun | Nouns | Adjectives + Verbs | Mixture |
What is affect?
to influence someone or something
What is approximately?
about; a little more or little less
What is consumption?
The act of eating or drinking something. OR the amount of something you eat or drink or use.
What is major?
Very important or very serious.
What is sustain?
to support, to keep going
What is illustrate?
To explain something by providing examples
What is previously?
Before a particular time
What is energy?
The power of fuel or electricity to make things work.
What is flexible?
able to easily change to fit new situations
What is emit?
to send out
What is survive?
to continue to live.
What is precisely?
exactly, accurately
What is workforce?
the total number of people who work for a company or within a country.
What is sustainable?
used to describe the uses of natural resources (renewable)
What is hybrid?
a mix of two things
What is create?
to make something new
What is eventually?
in the end or finally
What is image?
an idea that people have of someone or something
What is to run out?
Use all of something so there is nothing left.
What is solar?
from the sun
What is to use up?
to finish the available supply of something
What is sustainability?
the act of doing something in a sustainable way, something that won't use up resources
What is resource?
something such as land, water, or minerals that exists in a country
What is pollute?
to harm the environment
What is a specialist?
person who is an expert at something