Reading Timelines Archeology Hominids More Hominids Neolithic Revolution
Year 0

What goes in the center of every timeline

What is the name of the people who study archeology
Australopithecus Afarensis, Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis, Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Name two types of hominids
Neanderthals (students may also say homo sapiens sapiens as they were alive too)

Which hominid was most affected by the ice age
Stable food supply, permanent shelter, communities, different jobs, trade

Name two characteristics of the Neolithic Revolution
A.D. and C.E. and B.C. and B.C.E.

Which names mean the same thing on a timeline: B.C., A.D., C.E., B.C.E.
Anything that is human left behind

Name an artifact
The earliest hominid ever discovered/the oldest australopithecus found
Who is Lucy?
Help with hunts, learning from elders

Why was traveling in small bands more beneficial to hominids than traveling alone
When humans began to farm

When did the Neolithic Revolution start
1890 AD

Which happened the latest in time: 200 BC, 750 AD, 400 BC, 1890 AD
If it was left behind by a human

How do you know if something is an artifact or not
Stood upright and migrated to other continents
What was the advancement of Homo Erectus
Homo Sapiens Sapiens look more like modern humans, could create better tools, they were better hunters, and they could create art. Even though their existence overlapped Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis died out.

How are Homo Sapiens Sapiens different from Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis
Always having food/class divisions began to develop with the people who controlled the food - they had more power.

Name the positive and negative consequences of having a stable food supply
400 BCE

Which happened the earliest in time: 200 BCE, 750 CE, 400 BCE, 1890 CE
Prehistory = before writing
History = after writing was invented

What is the difference between history and prehistory
Made tools and this shows that humans were getting smarter, they had to ability to think through how to make something and then use it to their advantage.
Name the advancement of Homo Habilis and how it advanced human kind
Australopithecus Afarensis, Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis, Homo Sapiens Sapiens

Place all the hominids in order from earliest to latest
Different Jobs: people didn’t have to only be searching for food all the time. They could engage in “luxury activities”/peoples’ jobs started being tied to social status
Permanent shelter: people could build roots into a community, it was safer/People felt like they had to protect their property.

Name the positive and negative consequences of different jobs and permanent shelter
500 BCE, 50 BCE, 0, 75 CE, 750 CE *doesn’t count if they don’t have year 0.
Draw a timeline and place these years on the timeline including all the elements of a timeline: 50 BCE, 75 CE, 500 BCE, 750 CE
You don’t

Why is archeology a difficult field of study?
That they had feelings and the ability to express these feelings
What does the creation of art show us about Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Australopithecus Afarensis = biped, Homo Habilis = make tools, Homo Erectus = standing upright and migrating out of Africa, Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis = making fire, Homo Sapiens Sapiens = making art

Name each hominid’s main advancement
Trade: people had access to goods without having to migrate to find them/people felt like they had to protect their goods from people trying to steal them
Communities: work got done faster and better because people were working together/people fought with each other and disease spread

Name the positive and negative consequences of trade and communities

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