Está nublado
Translate "it's cloudy" in Spanish
me, te, le, nos, les
What are the 5 Little pronouns you MUST ALWAYS use with GUSTAR?
Translate "to fish" in Spanish
o, es, e, emos/ imos, en
What are the present tense endings for ER and IR verbs (in order)?
el hermano
Translate "brother" in Spanish
nieva and está nevando
What are the Two ways of saying "it's snowing" in Spanish
Gusta is used when the thing you like is SINGULAR
Gustan is used when it's PLURAL
Explain when to use GUSTA and GUSTAN
Translate "to play (an instrument)" in Spanish
Translate "to go up, climb, get into" in Spanish
Translate "step sister" in Spanish
hace ......sol, fresco, buen tiempo, mal tiempo, calor, viento, frío
In Spanish, name 3 out of the 7 weather expressions that use "hace"
el otono, el invierno, la primiavera, el verano
What are the 4 Seasons of the year in Spanish?
o, as, a, amos, an
What are the Present Tense endings for AR verbs? (in order!)
Yo Salgo
Yo Hago Yo Veo
Salir, Hacer and Ver all have Irregular "YO" forms. Name them.
-astro, -astra
In Spanish, state the endings you put on "step-relatives"
1. llueve or está lloviendo
2. nieva or está nevando 3. está nublado
In Spanish, name the 3 weather expressions that do NOT use "hace"
enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre, diciembre
Name any SIX months in Spanish.
YO bailo
TU bailas EL baila NOSOTROS bailamos ELLOS bailan
In Spanish, conjugate BAILAR in every form
Si, yo COMO pizza.
No, no COMO pizza.
Answer this question:
Comes tu pizza? |
mis abuelos
Finish the sentence in Spanish, "Los padres de mi madre son___________"
"está lloviendo" means it is raining RIGHT NOW
"llueve" is more GENERAL
State the main difference between saying "está lloviendo" and "llueve"
A mis amigos les gusta escuchar musica.
Translate: My friends like to listen to music.
(Remember what Gustar sentences start with) |
Nosotros estudiamos espanol.
Translate: We study Spanish.
Los chicos corren en el parque.
Translate "The boys run in the park"
mis primos
Finish the sentence in Spanish, "Los hijos de mis tíos son _________"