Minor Keys | Major Keys | Semitones, whole-tones, and chromatic scales | Performance | Intervals and Solfege |
What is the name of the minor key with two flats?
G minor
What is the relative major of C minor?
Eb major
What is a single half step motion?
Pick a representative from your group to play a F minor scale.
Nailed it!
What is the solfege for a major 3rd?
Do, mi or Do, re, mi.
What is is the name of the minor key with 3 sharps?
F# minor
What is the relative major of G# minor?
B major
What is two half steps?
Pick a representative from your group to play a A minor scale.
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What is the solfege for a perfect 4th?
Do, re, mi, fa or Do, fa.
What is name of the minor key with 4 flats?
F minor
What is the relative major of F minor?
Ab major
What is the chromatic scale made up of?
Pick a representative from your group to play a chromatic scale starting on C.
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What is the solfege for a octave
Do, do or Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do
What is the name of the minor key with 6 flats?
Eb minor
What is the relative major of B minor?
D major
Pick a representative from your group to play a chromatic scale starting on E.
Nailed it!
Pick a representative from your group to play a G minor scale.
Nailed it!
Sing the solfege for the major scale!
Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do
What is the relative minor of Db major?
Bb minor
What is the relative major of C# minor?
E major
Pick a representative from your group to play a chromatic scale starting on A.
Nailed it!
Pick a representative from your group to play a C minor scale.
Nailed it!
What is the solfege for the minor scale!
Do, re, me, fa, sol, le, te, do