Beds Bed Positions Linens Bedmaking
Complete Bed Rest
What is it called when the client is never out of bed?
What is the sleeping position?
Dirty...Always hold linens away from your body and uniform.
Your uniform is considered...?
After a client is discharged
For a new client or resident
After the bed frame and mattress are cleaned and disinfected
Top linen pulled up; bedspread pulled over pillow
A closed bed is made for?
Partial Bed Rest
What is it called when the client is permitted to get up to use the bathroom.
Low Fowler’s position
What is the head of the bed is elevated 15 to 30 degrees?
Misplaced personal belongings.
Dentures, hearing aids, eyeglasses, watches, jewellery
Always check linen for....?
Newly admitted persons arriving by wheelchair
Clients who are getting ready for bed
Clients who are out of bed only for a short time
Top linens are fan-folded back so the client can get back into bed easily
An open bed is made for?
Comfort & Safety
Prevents skin breakdown
Prevents pressure ulcers
A clean, dry, and wrinkle-free bed promotes...what 3 important things for clients?
Semi-Fowler’s position
What is the head of the bed is raised 30 to 45 degrees?
This spreads microbes.
Why do we never shake linen (clean or dirty)?
When the client is unable to mobilize out of bed
When would you make an occupied bed?
Straighten linens whenever loose or wrinkled, and at bedtime.
Check for and remove food and crumbs after meals.
Check linens for dentures, eyeglasses, hearing aids, sharp objects, and other items.
Change linens whenever they become wet, soiled, or damp.
What 4 things to you need to do to keep beds neat and clean?
High Fowler’s position
What is the head of the bed is raised 45 to 90 degrees; clients are often not raised above a 60-degree angle?
Collect enough linens.
Do not bring unneeded linens to a person’s room.
Collect linens in the order you will use them.
Place the clean linen on a clean surface.
What 4 things to think about when collecting clean linen?
Keep the client in good alignment.
Follow restrictions or limits in the client’s movement or position.
Explain each procedure step to the client before you do it.
What are 3 key things to keep in mind when making an occupied bed?
Manually operated beds may have cranks to elevate head and foot—all cranks should be pushed in after use, to avoid anyone bumping into them
All beds should be left in lowest position
Bed wheels are locked when giving bedside care
Bed wheels are locked when you are transferring a client to and from the bed
what are the 4 important saftey measures to think about related to client beds?
Trendelenburg position
What is head of bed is lowered and foot of bed is raised; a physician’s order is required
Remove dirty linen one piece at a time.
-Roll each piece away from you.
Wet, damp, or soiled linens are changed right away.
Wear gloves and follow Standard Practices.
Soiled linens should never be placed on the floor (contributes to the spread of pathogens).
What is three things to think about regarding dirty linen?
Raise bed to maintain good body mechanics during bed making.
What is an important saftey concern for yourself and your colleagues when making an occupied bed?

Unit 5

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