Continental Congress | Declaration of Independence | Propaganda | Patriots vs. Loyalists | Thomas Jefferson and Abigail Adams |
What do do about the intolerable acts of King George III
What was discussed at the first continental congress?
Thomas Jefferson
Who wrote it?
information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
What is propaganda?
The colonists that believed they should have independence from England and be able to rule themselves.
Who were the patriots?
South. declaration of independence. turned the war into a war for an idea (freedom for all men)
Where was TJ from? What was he most known for writing? Why was it such an important document
Rutledge did not want to fight for independence and Franklin believed there was no other choice but to fight
What was the primary disagreement between Edward Rutledge and Benjamin Franklin?
July 4th, 1776
When was the DOI signed
A person that sparks a revolution. Thomas Paine and Samuel Adams.
What is a firebrand? Name two specific people that were known as firebrands in the 18th century
The colonists that believed they should continue to live under the rule of the king.
Who were the loyalists?
writing letters to husband John Adams convincing him to include women in the future of America
What was Abigail Adams most known for
How to prepare for war. The declaration of independence
What was the second continental congress about?
wealthy white men. patriots. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, etc.
Who was present at the signing of the declaration of independence
He wrote Common Sense. He wanted a democracy where the people had a say in their own government
What was Thomas Paine known for writing? What did he wish to see in America once they gained their independence?
Fight between the loyalists and patriots where several people died. Tensions between the loyalists and patriots over the King's decision to levy taxes
What was the Boston Massacre? How does it connect to taxation without representation?
End slave trade across the Atlantic. Does not mention the end to slavery in America. This lead to chattel slavery
What did TJ propose about slavery in the DOI? What effect might this have on slaves in America?
No he was a patriot. Just because he didn't want to enter a war with Britain does not mean that he did not disagree with the King's acts.
Was Edward Rutledge a loyalist? why or why not?
"All men are created equal." Didn't mean all men, just wealthy landholding white men.
What line in the Declaration if Independence is hypocritical. Why?
The colonists must join together to fight for their freedom or they will die under the rule of the King.
How was the political cartoon "Join or Die" used as a propaganda tool of the patriots?
The loyalists believed the soldiers shot at the patriots as a measure of self defense. The patriots believed that loyalists intended to kill the patriots because they were disloyal to the King.
How did the biases of the time lead to different perspectives on the Boston Massacre?
One of his slaves. Had children with her. Decided to free two of their children once he died.
Who was Sally Hemmings? Why is she a significant figure in the life of Thomas Jefferson
1. Rely on Great Britain for support and protection from Native Americans
2. Wealthy landholders/slave traders weren't severely effected by the taxes and were happy with the way things were.
What are the two reasons a southerner might not want to declare independence?
Benjamin Banneker. Suggested that TJ bring meaning to the words "all men are created equal"
What was the name of the free black man that wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson. What did he propose?
A secret society of patriots that came together begin the the Revolution. They used propaganda as a tool to get colonists on board with the declaration of independence.
Who were the Sons of Liberty? Why are they so important leading up to the Revolutionary War?
Loyalists: Monarchy
Patriots: Democracy
What type of government did the Loyalists want in America? What type of government did the Patriots want in America?
Give them rights they deserve. Include them in the constitution alongside men.
What did Abigail Adams mean when she said "Remember the Ladies." Where did she propose that John remember them?