Individuals | Legislation | Vocabulary | Misc. #1 | Misc. #2 |
What was the German ambassador's name that sent a telegram to Mexico asking them to attack the US?
Treaty of Versailles
What was the name of the treaty after WW1 in which the Allied Powers agreed upon (except the US and Russia) which laid out extremely harsh conditions for Germany?
When armies are stuck in a no-win battle it is called a what?
What was the US's stance concerning entanglements with foreign nations AFTER WW1?
The Great War
World War I is also known as the (?) War?
Alvin York
Which individual won the Congressional Medal of Honor?
Schenck v. United States
What was the court case in which it was ruled that peoples' rights can be limited?
No man's land
The area between the trenches was called what?
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Which event most influenced Woodrow Wilson's decision to enter WW1?
War Bonds/Liberty Bonds
What did the US government sell in order to raise money for the war effort?
General John J. Pershing
Who was the commander of the AEF?
Fourteen Points
What was Wilson's plan calling for post-war peace called?
Zimmerman Telegram/Note
What was the item called that was sent from Germany to Mexico in attempt to recruit Mexico to the Central Powers?
Which weapon was most responsible for breaking the stalemate in trench warfare?
The US attempted to maintain a policy of (?) in 1914?
Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson
Who were the three progressive presidents?
Selective Service Act
Which act called for men to register for military service?
The Treaty of Versailles required Germany to pay for all damages or --
Argonne Forest
Which battle broke the stalemate in France?
The sinking of which ship prompted Wilson to declare war on Germany?
Henry Cabot Lodge
Who was a strong advocate for the US refraining from joining the League of Nations?
The First Amendment (Freedom of Speech)
The Espionage suspended which amendment?
What is the building up of a country's military forces?
Freedom of the Seas
America found it difficult to remain neutral during WW1 because of its failure to maintain what?
Russia, Great Britain, France
Which three countries were included in the Triple Entente?