Biblical Principles BIBLE BOOK/CHAPTER | Forms of Partnerships | Theories of Attraction | NAME the Trend | Conflict/ Violence |
What is Genesis 2:18-25
Marriage was instituted and designed by God.
What is cohabitation?
Another word for living together
What is the Theory of Natural Selection?
Based on evolution, looking for good genes
What is "Declining and delayed fertility"?
Talks about birth rate and babies.
What is battered women syndrome?
Abused victims unable to leave the relationship because they see no way out, suffer from this.
What is Ephesians 5:23
The relationship between husband and wife is modelled after that of Christ and the Church
What is arranged marriage?
When parents choose their child's spouse.
What is the Theory of Social Homogamy?
Marriage between people of similar backgrounds (economic or educational status)
What is "More Maternal Employment"?
Talks about mothers who work.
What is the intergenerational cycle of violence?
People who have been victims or are exposed to violence in childhood and later in life abuse or become victims again.
What is Genesis 2:18
God's design for the wife is that of help meet.
What is same sex partnering or homosexual/gay marriage?
Two men or two women form an intimate partnership.
What is Propinquity?
Nearness factor.
What is "Rise in births outside of marriage"?
Talks about not everyone who has a baby is married.
What are romantic, conflict and compromise?
The 3 stages of marriage.
What is Malachi 2:16
God hates divorce
What is hookup culture?
Finding someone online and/or meeting for a sexual encounter
What is Ideal Mate Theory
Based on symbolic interactionist theory; the idea of an unconscious image formed by perceptions (hairy hands)
What is "Rising rates of separation and divorce" or "increase in lone parent families"?
Talks about broken families.
What are tension building, battering and honeymoon stages?
The 3 stages of the cycle of violence.
What are Gen 2:24; Matt: 19:5; and Eph. 5:24
2 of 3 passages that state for this reason shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife.
What is cohabitation or living together?
50% of marriages fail after this type of arrangement.
What are Intimacy, Passion and Commitment?
The 3 sides of Sternberg's Love Triangle
What is "The decline of heater marriage"?
Talks about less people getting married today
What are different values; abuse;alcohol/drugs; infidelity; career conflicts
The top five reason for marital breakup. (3)