Cultural diffusion Ethnicity Language Religion Culture
What is a functional region?
A region with a node, or center hub surrounded by interconnecting linkages. Usually connections relate to trade, communication, transportation, etc.
What is an apartheid?
Laws that physically separate different races into different geographical areas. Example: Law that was in full effect & later overthrown in South Africa.
What is a language family?
A group of languages related by a common ancestor, the ancestor being the name of the family to which all languages originating from that ancestor belong
What is Judaism?
The Torah is the holy book of this religion
What is pop culture?
Associated with a large, diverse group of people who are influenced by mass media and production, accepted essentially anywhere but changes rapidly.
What is a perceptual/vernacular region?
A region defined by feelings and prejudices that may or may not be true. A region derived from one's mental map.
What is balkanization?
A process in which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities. Ex: named after a region in Europe
What is dialect?
Variants of a standard language along regional or ethnic lines; consist of differences in the way sentences are said and/or the way words are pronounced
What is Buddhism?
This religion was founded by Siddharta Gautama and has 2 major divisions: Mahayana and Theravada
What is folk culture?
A homogeneous group of people with strong family beliefs and traditions; more isolated and separated groups.
What is stimulus diffusion?
The spread of an idea where the idea is not completely accepted due to barriers, but a different form of the idea may be accepted.
What is a multinational state?
A state that contains 2 or more ethnic groups w/ traditions of self-determination that agree to coexist peacefully by recognizing each other as distinct nationalities Ex: the United Kingdom
What is pidgin language?
Created when two or more languages combine in a simplified manner; developed in an area where 2 languages interact daily Ex: Spanglish
What is Islam?
The fastest growing religion in the world.
What is assimilation?
The process when immigrants become totally integrated into the host culture..
What is time-distance decay?
affirms that as the distance increases from its origin, an idea or innovation will decrease cultural and spatial interaction in terms of time.
What is a nation state?
A state whos territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity that has been transformed into a nationality. Ex: Japan
What is lingua franca?
One language or a combination of two languages used by speaker of different languages for the purposes of trade and commerce.
What is secularism?
The indifference to or rejection of organized religious affiliations and ideas
What is a mid-Atlantic home?
This type of home diffused through out the middle of the US (westward across the Ohio Valley and southwestward along the Appalachian trails)
What is acculturation?
When a group of people adopt certain cultural traits from another group in order to prevail through a change of the cultural landscape.
What is and ethnic enclave?
Small areas of cities that are inhabited by a minority cultural group.
What is toponomy?
A place name given to certain features on the land.
What is fundamentalism?
The demand for a strict adherence to ancient or fundamental doctrines of any religion or ideology.
What is a ranch style home?
This type of home originated in California and spread eastward and is found all across the U.S.

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